Self-Control and Self-Discipline by Science

Self-Control and Self-Discipline by Science

March 31, 2018



Everything you always wanted is on the other side of discipline.

Without discipline, your hopes and dreams will remain mired in the gossamer haze of your mind’s fantasy world. There they will stay, trapped in the suffocating embrace of your procrastination. Is that what you want?

With discipline, however, your world can explode into a bold action-adventure beyond anything you ever dreamed. You can slay dragons.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could become the alchemist of your life? What if you had the magical ability to turn your wild hopes into reality? What if you could snuff out procrastination?

Here’s the truth: you can. With discipline.

The way you perceive things and react to situations in life defines you. If you can adjust the way you think and behave (and you can), you can achieve all that you want to in life.

Do you want more income? Have you disciplined yourself to learn the skills and get the education a higher income requires?

Do you want a better body? Have you disciplined yourself to eat the right food, go to the gym, and learn how to live a healthy lifestyle?

Do you want more peace? Have you disciplined yourself to engage in a spiritual practice and let go of your frustrations and fears?

Our battle is an internal one. Our own mind is what we must tame.

You can change your life. You can make your dreams come true. It all starts with discipline.

And you can learn it. Starting right here. Right now.

Are you ready to get started?

Buy this book and you will learn the secret code of developing self-discipline:

  • What exactly self-discipline is.
  • What price does life exacts from you if you lack self-discipline.
  • How you can leverage the science of the brain to build discipline.
  • How to work your self-discipline like a muscle to grow it into your strongest ally.
  • The enemies of self-discipline that you must overcome.
  • How you can transform your life by learning the skill of self-discipline.